'SHE' back from outstation,called him.
'SHE' feel that something is not rite..'SHE' keep asking until 'HE' told her that,
"Let's break up!,I'm sorry..because i choose my mother but not you."
'SHE' is so sad and can't even take a meal for 3 days..
The 4th day 'SHE' went to approach doctor,she found out that 'SHE' has problem with breathing and heart beat abnormally.Luckily,the report shown out that 'SHE' caught up a sickness name SVT and not VT.'SHE' still stupidly call him up and just feel to talk to him but 'SHE' did not tell him that she having the sickness.Week later,before 'SHE' going off to another place for medication 'SHE' call him out and told 'HE' that 'SHE' will be out there for a week or more.But,'HE' did not do as what he did before but just throw to her a word of Take Care!
That day onwards..'SHE' knew that 'SHE' have to be independent and no more helping from him.Until 1 fine day..don't know which second..which minutes..which hour..they get back together but things change,'HE' never treat her well and they don't have the time to go out,no time to pick up her call,not even for dinner.They will only meet once or maybe twice a month.
'SHE' felt that something was not rite but 'SHE' just ignore the problem and choose to trust him...
Do you think things that you don't see will never happen and will never know?
(FOR 'HE' and 'SHE'~Learn to appreciate before you lost them)