OCT 08'
Unforgettable things happen to 'HE'..and 'SHE'...
Mobile phone rang,very happy 'SHE' pick up because the call is from 'HIM'...
Shock her to life because 'HE' is crying and shouting to tell her that his father has just past away.
With nothing 'SHE' can do..'SHE' hold up the phone and speechless and tears start to flow..
'SHE' really hope that 'SHE' can be by his side accompanying him,but 'SHE' cant do it.At last 'SHE' took her car key and drive to the hospital.All she can do for 'HIM' is just to sit inside the car and look at him from far..all his family members was there.At last she make a phone call to him just to take care of his feeling and let him know if 'HE' needs her,'SHE' is there.Just because 'HE' knew 'SHE' is not aloud to appear 'HE' ask her to go home and will call her after the procedure.On the way back home her tears keep splitting out,'SHE' can only angry at herself that why time like this she cant be by his side accompanying him. In the next morning 'HE' did call 'HER' and 'HE' sound to be a little more calm then before,but 'SHE' knew it will be a very tough week for him...
The next day 'SHE' ask him if she aloud to go and mourn his father and the answer is"No,Because my family is here."In the other hand his x-girlfriend is there accompanying him and his family..In that second,nothing run into her mind..nothing at all..'SHE' cant even say out a words and only can angry at herself..Keep asking herself WHY?WHY?WHY?......
What do you think 'HE' and 'SHE' life would be after that?
Do you think they still can be together after all the thing happen?
(For 'HIM'&'HER'~DO,or DO NOT.There is no 'TRY'.)
if there's a chance for you to re-open this blog and read..i would like to tell you.."yes,Hurt is over..hope that you will appreciate the person you are with now.. :)"